Aika Health coach
Are you worried about employee burnout?
To avoid the negative effects of burnout on a business, it is important to create a healthy work environment, maintain the health of employees, ensure a balance between work and personal life, as well as provide support and opportunities to restore and increase the motivation of employees.
More than 50% of employees burn out.

Although, if an employee has a close friend at work, his job satisfaction increases 7 times.

Taking care of your health together can be a good start to a friendship.

Note that low employee energy and health can lead to the following problems:

Decreased productivity: Employees with low energy and health levels are less focused and less able to perform their duties, which can lead to lower business productivity.

Lack of motivation: Employees who do not feel healthy and energetic may lose motivation to achieve their goals and professional development.

High attrition rate: If employees are constantly experiencing health problems, this can lead to high turnover, which in turn can cost the company time, money and resources.

Our health coach can help you solve these problems by creating a healthy and energetic environment for your team that will increase productivity and reduce turnover.

Comprehensive approach: our health coach will develop an individual program, taking into account the needs and characteristics of your team and each employee individually. We combine fitness, nutrition, stress management and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle to provide a complete holistic approach to improved health.

Creating a corporate climate: our trainer will work with your team, encouraging employees to lead a healthy lifestyle. We help increase motivation, reduce stress, and maintain an overall climate conducive to health and collaboration.

Flexibility and convenience: we adapt to your schedule and needs. Our health coach can conduct online training for each employee in a way and time convenient for him.

Monitoring and evaluation: we work without unnecessary measurements, schedules, unrealistic tasks or other annoying things. Personality development is carried out in an individual, convenient mode

We invite you to contact us to discuss the details and find out how our health coach can support your team and improve the performance of your business.
Health Coach for
Business Health Coach
3 790
7 790

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